Safe Way to De-Ice a Windshield

For those of us who have to leave our vehicle out in the snow and cold, whether at home or work. Getting the windshield clear before we start driving is a must but can be a big pain.
A lot of people will think, Yea just pour hot water on the windshield and it will be clear in no time, right? Wrong! Pouring hot water on an Ice Cold windshield is the worst thing you can do.
Your windshield is made of layers of different materials, that if expanded at different rates, as with pour hot water on them can cause them to crack and separate.
Check out the video for a great alternative.
I have used it and it works. You get a wee bit of alcohol smell inside until its dissipated away.
Living where -45 is not unheard of for a month straight, most windshield washer fluid has alcohol al ready added
Sherry-lyn Wedden-Harrison you need to try this
Bad for rubber seal around windows , and ruin wiper blades fast
I usually just run my car to warm it up first. Then the ice melts enough to wipe away
No it doesn’t.
Not to good for the wipers and the rubber around the windows
I would like to argue that point with you but if you research this fact, it causes harding of the rubber which in turn causes cracking, it also makes the rubber loose it’s elasticity witch can cause leakage around seals, this is why rubbing alcohol is not used for cleaning seals of any sort , it falls into the same category as other solvents, feel free to research this, but love you come the “no it doesn’t it reminds me of my 6 yr old grand kid when she is trying to make a point she does not understand
Destroys your wipers – hacked!
I use alcohol to clean my windshield wipers and have for years. I get appx 5 years it off them where as before I started cleaning them I might have gotten 3 out of a set. What you are referring to is long term full exposure to alcohol. Not the same thing. Most, if not all, winter washer fluid has alcohol in one form or another in it. I’m sure you one that already though, since you “researched” it already.
All those posting about alcohol vs wiper blades realize those are consumable parts, right? They are NOT meant to last forever and under ideal conditions should be replaced at LEAST yearly.
Check your owners’ manual…
Dynamite works well to.
Thats not ice its low level frost at best.
That’s fog on glass, not ice.
I find most cars have windshield washer fluid …. and works just as good as this ” hack” . All for free from your car manufacturers ! Hohoho merry Christmas everyone!
Lmao no$#%&!@*go inside car turn on fluid..done
Jeremy Caldwell
Who the$#%&!@*is this guy
Boiling water works great
Lisa Conley
Not when your wipers are frozen to the windshield, you will destroy them. 🙁
If you have a chip or crack in your window you can make it way worse that way.
That was sarcasm. Lol
Tried it yesterday didn’t do$#%&!@*on an 1/8″ of ice waste of time….
That’s great for the outside, until your breath hits the glass on the inside. Your better off to just start it early and let warm up slowly, so you don’t crack the window from all the rock hits from the sand truck.
I usually just use a hammer and chisel the ice peels right off
Vangelyn Damasco
Yessy Arely Torres
Jhulee Guevarra Malayba
This is for people that are too Fucking lazy to scrape there windshields
Chris Quianzon
Jed anak use this.
Straight vodka
Then windshield washer fluid is bad to use since it has alcohol added as a deicer
Fir half an hour?
Depends how cold it is
15 or 20 minutes maybe if it’s really cold
Dario Ballao
Cham Balatong Leigh Cedric Estacio
hahaah di ko alam
Just throw hot water on it.Cleans it real fast.No waiting
I like that
except that water will refreeze and could crack your windshield.
Home DIY Fixes no glass would just explode
It’s not working at -30 degree celsius
Even at freezing rain
It will freeze your wipers and get stuck then it might break it’s rotors.
I didn’t know there were alot of windshield deicing injuries…..