DIY Window Shutters

Window shutters will make any house standout. Most shutters you can buy for your house today are made of plastic. While the look good from a distance and will never rot, they are still plastic.
Wood window shutters add so much more appeal to a home than vinyl shutters. The major issue is a set of pre-made wood shutters will set you back a couple of hundred dollars per window.
With just a few tools and a little carpentry knowledge any Do It Yourself-er can make their own wood shutters.
You can make your shutters out of any kind of wood you like, but certain woods are better for this project. Part of that choice depends on the look you want. Do you to keep a natural wood look or painted? Board and batten, flat panel or raised panel. Board and batten will be the simplest to make and looks great.
Poplar or cedar are you best wood choices for this type of shutter. If you want them to look rustic or you are on a tight budget you could use old pallets or some reclaimed barn wood.
Stop over on the Next Page to see how to make your own shutters.
Traci from shares her story of making shutter for this home. With the help of some volunteers from the nearby Lowes they made some great board and batten shutters.
The list of materials they used is as follows.
- 1×6 poplar boards
- 1×4 poplar boards
- compound miter saw
- wood glue
- nail gun and nails (1 1/4″, 18 gauge finish nails)
- tape measure
- sanding sponges
- stain (We used MinWax Dark Walnut.)
- rubber gloves and cloths for staining
- paint sticks to use as spacers between boards
Check out their video on below.
If you have any question or want to share your projects, just comment below.
Tracy Norell