Severe Weather Season!
When emergency strikes you need to be prepared! Go Here to see page 1 of the list!
8. Clothing
You never know how long an emergency might last or what the weather will do. Keeping a spare change of clothing and a few spare towels and blankets packed away, will help keep you more comfortable while you wait out the situation.
9. Sanitary Supplies
Toilet paper, trash bags, hand sanitizer, wipes, soap and hand towels can all be packed into a small waste can for easy transporting.
10. Paper maps
Today a lot of us today rely on our phones for getting us where we want to go, but during emergencies, cell phone don’t always work, so it it good to have an atlas tucked in with your supplies.
11. Solar Phone Chargers
When emergencies strike and the power is out for an extended period of time, you’ll love having a solar cell phone charger with you. Also keep backup charging cords for all your electronic devices in your supply kit.
Having cash on hand during an emergency is important. If the power or phone lines are out, credit card machines and ATM’s will be down.
13. Entertainment
Packing away some games for the family to play or some books will help pass the time during these situation.
And don’t forget about your pets, you will need to store food and water for them also!
Great post, keep it up