Look at All Those Tomatoes

Is your garden thriving and have you saying, “look at all those tomatoes, what are we going to do with them all?” Well fear not, you can always “can” them. Making them in to a lot of different recipes and then use them all year long.
You can use your tomato crop to make Salsa, pasta sauce ,pizza sauce, tomato juice, ketchup or BBQ sauce and others.
Canning and Preserving The Tomatoes…
We use the first few harvests of tomatoes from the garden to make our juice and salsa – early season tomatoes are usually more plump and juicy – and lend themselves perfectly to those recipes.
We then make our pasta sauce, pizza sauce, bbq sauce, ketchup and soups with the tomatoes harvested in mid to late summer. The later tomatoes tend to be a little thicker walled and meaty from the late summer heat – making them great for sauces and soups.
Nothing beats the taste of home-made tomato juice!
Canning juice is one of the most simple and delicious ways to preserve your tomatoes – and is a great way to start for those new to canning. We make both regular juice and a hot and spicy V-8 style version to have the year around. Canned juice is a great base for chili, pasta sauce and more – making it a valuable addition to your pantry.
See the recipe to make your own Tomato Juice and others at oldworldgardenfarms.com
Bridgett Brooks-Green some reason I thought of you and those 100s of tomatoes you posted. Lol
Haha thank you. Yes yes I had soooo many this year
Felicity Presley no I didn’t. I froze some.
I’ve never frozen any. I’ll have to try that next year. I usually give em all away but I never have as much as you had. Lol
Felicity Presley lol ours never turned out so we put out more plants this year and they all grew like crazy.
Nice info thanks
Great organization tips!u