Prepping Lawn Equipment For Storage!

As winter nears and the lawn stops growing. It’s time to get the lawn equipment ready for that long winter nap!
Just pushing it into the garage or shed will leave you with issues when spring time comes and the lawn is ready for cutting.
Cleaning out all the dead grass and giving it a good bath will make it shiny and ready to tackle it’s next job. A clean blade area also help the grass exit the mower easier, so it doesn’t work as hard. This will also keep the grass from fermenting and smelling up the place.
Changing the engine oil is the next step in keeping the mower running smoothly for years to come.
Sharpen the blade or take it to your local repair shop to have it made ready for the spring time.
One question I get asked a lot is; do I leave the gas in or drain it. My preference it to add stabilizer to the fuel all year long, because gas sitting for even a month or two will start to break down. If you add it when you fill your gas cans you don’t have to worry about it.
Draining the fuel will still leave some in the lines and carburetor that will turn bad, plus leaving gaskets to dry out and cause leaks.
Check out the video below for what you should consider when winterizing your equipment.
These little things sometimes get over looked and then can cause all kinds of frustration come spring time. Take the time to take care of them. You will be happy you did.