Have a Mouse in Your House

You are more likely to see signs of a mouse in your home during the cold winter months. During this time the mice are looking for a warm place hang out with a food supply. Once the mice find their way in, they need to be controlled quickly. Once they are able to establish a home the become more difficult to get rid of.
Although most people consider mice less objectionable than rats, mice are more common and cause significantly more damage. Mice are prolific breeders, producing 6-10 litters continuously throughout the year. The greatest economic loss from mice is not due to how much they eat, but what must be thrown out because of damage or contamination. Food, clothing, furniture, books and many other household items are contaminated by their droppings and urine, or damaged by their gnawing. House mice gnaw through electrical wiring, causing fires and failure of freezers, clothes dryers and other appliances. Mice also can transmit diseases, most notably salmonellosis (bacterial food poisoning) when food is contaminated with infected rodent feces.
Mouse Behavior
Mice are nocturnal creatures, and, therefore, are rarely seen by the homeowner. The most obvious indicators of their presence are droppings (1/8 – 1/2-inches long, dark and pointed at both ends), sounds of them running, gnawing or squeaking, or damage to stored food or materials used for nesting.
Compared to rats, mice forage only short distances from their nest — usually not more than 10-25 feet. When food and shelter are adequate, their foraging range may be only a few feet. For this reason, traps and other control devices must be placed in areas where mouse activity is most apparent. Mice prefer to travel adjacent to walls and other edges– another critical point to remember when positioning control devices. Mice are very inquisitive and will investigate each new object placed in their foraging territory. If control devices are not initially successful, move them around to a different location.
Mice feed on a wide variety of foods but prefer seeds and cereal grains. They also are fond of foods high in fat and protein such as nuts, bacon, butter and sweets (an important point to remember when choosing a bait for snap traps). Mice are “nibblers” and may make 20-30 visits to different food sites each night.
Tactics for Control
To control mice, you must “think like a mouse,” keeping in mind the behavioral traits noted above. The best way to control mice is to prevent their entry. Mice are able to squeeze through extremely small openings narrower than the diameter of a dime. Cracks in the foundation 1/4 inch and larger should be sealed, as should gaps and openings under doors and where utility pipes enter the structure.
Good sanitation and food storage practices are helpful in reducing problems with house mice. Since seeds are a preferred food, all adjacent to the building should likewise be eliminated. However, because mice are able to occupy such small nesting areas and survive on minute amounts of food, sanitation alone will not normally eliminate an existing infestation.
Other than calling a pest control firm, homeowners have three control options available for ridding their premises of mice:
- toxic baits, known as rodenticides,
- traps, or
- glue boards.
Keeping food in sealed heavy duty storage containers will help deter them from getting in to it and contaminating it.
Click Here to see our Step by Step Guide on Getting Rid of Mice.
Thanks for this wonderful advise from the University of Kentucky
Look Cassandra Bunton.
I So need to try THIS
I don’t have mice I now got field rats
Mindy it’s getting to be that time of year again.
Sierra caught one over the weekend and this morning another trap was triggered but no mouse so there is one in here!!! I just set 5 more traps. I hate cold weather
I had one. I shot him with the bb gun. He thought he was slick.
I’m telling you snakes are the best mousetraps. Lol
Snakes are NOT happening in my house
Kylee Elizabeth St Cin
Cheryl McIvor
Desirea Butz
The sticky traps r the bomb got mom yesterday an all the babies this morning. Woop woop
Renee Carter
Get a treeing walker coonhound he has cought them inside and out also keeping grass cut helps too
I had one once. We decided he had a college education. He woud walk around traps & clue traps( which are cruel ).
Christine Durham
Micky Stafford
Tiffany James
Wanda Aye Carroll
I have two cats that are beast..best way to keep them out!
Susan Shettles…Thought of you!!
Rebecca Baker
Carol Williams
Ashley M Bowie
Becky Ernst
Rachel Roller
Victor Garcia
Vicky Maria Portales
Allison Christiana
Judy Sturgeon
Get a cat
Scott Cooper
Kelly Ryan Ely I can’t read the article but I thought u might be able to