Spark Up Your Home With Wood Shutters

Wood shutters were originally installed on homes to protect the homes windows from inclement weather. They were operational for the home owner to close them to keep flying debris from smashing thru. As time went on, many factors contributed to shutters no longer being used on most houses.
Shutters are now finding there way back into style, mostly as decorative features of a house.
Building your own wood shutters can add charm to just about any home and improve the curb appeal of your house.
Some things to keep in mind when making your shutters; Making them the correct size so they look like they belong, they should fit the height of the opening and be 1/3 to 1/2 the width of the window to look good.
Check out the video below to see how to make some simple, cost effected board and batten shutters.
There are many other shutter designs that you can build, although non quite as simple as board and batten shutters.
Be sure to weather proof all sides and edges of your shutters to help them last a long time.