How to Extend an Existing Electric Wall Box

How to use an electrical box extender if you are installing wood, stone, tile or any other material to an existing wall. For a better look and for safety you need to bring the outlets and switches out to meet the face your new wall material. There are numerous ways of accomplishing this, partially depending on the material you’re using.
Using a combustible material such as wood or paneling you must use an electrical box extender. The extender will provide protection from a potential fire caused by an electrical short or loose connection.
Although, not required for noncombustible material, it is always best to use a box extender to close the gap between the existing box and the new materials surface.
If your existing electrical junction box is metal, you can purchase a metal box extension. You could use a plastic one, provided the screws go through to the existing box.
One critical point is to cut the hole in your new material the correct size. The tabs on the extension need to sit on the surface of the new material.
While extensions are good, They are not my preference. If you’re covering the wall anyway, I prefer to open it up and install a new adjustable box. Check out the Next Page to see how to do this.
Virgil Winkler
Mark J Dussault
It’s called an add a depth ring been around for years.
Those extenders you buy arent fire rated and for noncombustable material you are only allowed a 1/4 inch gap.
They are called spark arresters
Arc shields, flash shields, arc suppressor, it’s all the same. I’m still opposed to the average home owner renovating their own electrical.
Just because we don’t all do electric for a living doesn’t mean we are not capable.
Call someone with a license.
Call a licensed electrician
Call a licenced plumber
Call a licenced HVAC tech
That’s why we are LICENCED, we know what we ate doing
Just not good at typing..
Yeh, stupid spell check
JimBo Hayes
Tammy Wandy
I know people that have a drivers license to and should not be driving
Jeff this what I was talking about.
If you are not an electrician you shouldn’t touch anything electrical in your house. You’ll either electrocute yourself of catch your house on fire. Don’t be stupid.
i needed this i always have this problem, thanks
I have to interject here. Sorry you may hire a licensed electrician who painfully studied and took that test to get s passing grade to get his license to practice but he hires all people that are willing to work for 9.00 + up a hour and drive his van with his materials & gas. Who’s to say the guy doing the work knows what the hell he’s doing? I know I’m a licensed electrician and the Great State of North Carolina would Not reciprocate my license from the Great State of New York without me re-taking the whole course over again. No credit for having a previous license! Aint that something?
Its easy shut off the power and put in a remodel box case closed!
That’s what I run into, just because you call a tech, does not mean he/ she knows what they are doing. That’s why I am a one man operation.
Karen Buland
Well that’s a crock of$#%&!@*if I ever heard one. Way to make overly broad and all encompassing statements.
So you think people should listen to a diy page when they have no training on how to do these fixes? Oh by the way if you are not an electrician and you burn down your house and the find out you were the cause the insurance company doesn’t have to pay. Don’t be stupid get someone who know what they are doing.
Not like this…
Jake Masunas
How to burn your house down…. If you don’t know how to do it already – don’t
I called liscenced electrcian put gfi in bathroom once he left vanity lite didnt work and never attached the bare copper ground from box to on and off swt so so much for that bullshit
Step 1: buy a wall box extender in the depth you need.
Step 2: remove outlet
Step 3: install extender to wall box
Step 4: re-install outlet.
These guys talk too much on these videos.
Chris James For the basement outlets
Thomas Guertler to make them fit the correct way?
Looks like I’ll need a leatherman all purpose tool to do the job??