Great Use Of Hidden Space In The Kitchen

Every small kitchen could use some extra storage space. There are little spaces, hiding in plain site, that we don’t even think of as being useful. Then someone comes along with a great idea that starts you thinking, do I have a space like that in my kitchen?
Being a Do It Yourselfer, you can easily tackle one of these projects.
Roll Out Pantry
When installing kitchen cabinets, enough space is usually left for the maximum size fridge. Not every one puts in the biggest one available, this can leave space next to the fridge for storage. A roll-out pantry is a great use of this space.
This awesome project we found over at were the Roeckers show us how they built it.
The great thing about this project is you can modify it to your situation.
For another version from Classy Clutter, Mallory gives us step by step instructions on how she built her rolling pantry.
They both did awesome jobs on their projects.
I have a few suggestions of things that could make these roll-out panties a little easier and safer.
I would suggest using straight rolling casters instead of swivel casters. This will allow the pantry to roll straight in and out without the wheels having to turn around.
Attaching a drawer slide to the back or top of the cabinet and the side wall will make it glide in and out better and stop it from coming out to far and possible fall. Or you can place a block on the wall above the unit and one on the back of the unit to prevent it from coming out beyond the wall.
If you decide to build one for yourself, share it with us, we would love to see it.
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