Awesome DIY Bird Houses

Building your own bird houses can be a great DIY project that the whole family will love to get involved in. It is a great learning experience for the little one, both building them and watching the birds find their home and raise their young.
Keep in mind that different birds have different space needs, knowing what kind of birds are in your area that may use your house, can help you decide how big to build it.
What’s the Best Time
There is no bad time to put up bird houses, and the best time to put them up is as soon as you have them available. Even if it is not nesting season, birds may investigate the house, learn where it is and possibly use it as shelter. If you only want to provide houses for nesting, putting them up in late winter or very early spring will ensure they are available for even the earliest nesting species.
Start with a simple Bluebird or Swallow House!
Like most of us, Birds need a starter home also!
With this house, the birds will be right at home as if they built it themselves.
Bird will love to nest in your wood shed, now they can have their own!
A Birds Home is where you hang your hat!
Are your birds more upscale? Check Out these houses you can build them on Page 2.