Safely Install Attic Stairs

Are You Considering Installing Attic Stairs?
Making use of the extra space in your attic for storage is a great idea. Or maybe you already do but can only get up there thru a small access panel in a closet.
Installing a set of attic stairs has some wonderful advantages. It can provide you with a much safer entry into the attic than a step ladder, you don’t have to try and find them when you need them. They allow you to safely carry things up for storage. Also they can a bigger opening in which to bring larger item to the attic.
Pre build attic stairs come in 2 different widths. Depending partly on the type of framing in your attic will help determine which is best for your situation. If you have framing or trusses that are 24″ on center, then the 221/2″ which will fit between the framing with out cutting anything.
If you you need to modify the framing to fit a set of attic stairs, be sure to understand what can and can’t be cut and how to support the framing you do cut.
Take extreme caution to check for wires and piping before cutting anything.
Check out this video before you decide if and where you want to put your new attic stairs.
If you still have questions. Hop over to our Facebook Group We’re there to help.
Once you have completed your installation, it’s a great idea to add insulation to your stairway as they have a tendency of losing a lot of heat. Click Here to check out a great way to do it!