11 Helpful Painting Tips

Whether you are a beginner or a pro, there is always time to learn new painting tips. I know they say you can’t teach an old dog, but most of know that isn’t true.
If you are painting a room, apiece of furniture or a whole house, this little tricks can make life just a bit smoother.
Ensuring that the groove where the lid sits is clean and place a piece of plastic wrap under the lid to help keep the paint fresh. Dab some paint on the lid and mark what color and what it was used for help you find it when you need to touch up a spot.
Painting different colors next to each other in a corner or painting stripes on you wall?
Get crisp clean perfect lines using painters tape and this trick.
Brought to you by houseofhepworths.com
Store left over paint in a Rubbermaid Paint Buddy so you can touch up spots if needed.
When you are painting with a roller, for best results, paint in a “W” pattern. Start the next full roller of paint about 2 roller lengths away for where you ended. Work back, overlapping were you already painted.
To save the mess of holding a one gallon paint can when cutting in corners, use an old coffee can or a Paint Pail by HANDy, you can get liners for it also for easy cleanup.
If you did some spackling before you painted and you have an empty 1 gal pail around they also work great.
When you are done rolling you walls, scrape excess paint from the roller to make it easier to clean. You may need that last bit of paint so don’t toss it away.
They make liners you can by to fit your paint tray so you don’t have to clean it anymore. But if you want to be economical you can always use a Home Depot or Target shopping bag.
When you need to take a break or while you are moving things around.
Keep you paint brush and rollers from drying out. Put them in a ziplock bag or wrap them in saran wrap until the project is done. Then wash r=them with warm soapy water.
We hope these tips will make you painting project go smoother. Happy Painting.