Painting Stripes on Your Wall

Putting stripes on a wall is a creative way to add some dimension to a room to make it look larger or taller. Vertical stripes will make the room appear higher, while horizontal stripes will make it look longer.
The stripes and patterns you use will depend on the look you are trying to achieve. Using a different shade of the same basic color will add a nice soft look. While contrasting colors will add more brightness to the room.
Using painters tape makes it easy to create your stripes. Below is a great video that shows you how simple it can be to begin painting stripes on your wall.
My Secret Tip: After you have taped your stripes, paint over the inside edge of the tape with the existing base paint color or clear lacquer, this will seal the edge of the tape so when you paint your stripe color it will not bleed under the edge of the tape and you will get a nice clean line when you remove the tape.
Photo source: Sherwin-Williams